Communities for a New California Engages CA's Latino Democrats


With California's Latino population at close to 40%, and a tendency of that portion of the electorate to vote 3:1 Democratic, It's a mystery to us why the Democratic Party would routinely ignore Latino Democrats. Enter Communities for a New California, an organization in Airlift's West by Southwest Fund, which is reaching out to this population in numerous ways. CNC:

  • Runs very sophisticated phone banking operation in the CA Central Valley–they are a trusted local organization with incredible metrics

  • Reaches an average of 700 voters a night using predictive dialers

  • Has real conversations with disengaged voters 4 times per year, the kind of people that were being ignored in the present system, instead of being brought in. (Read more about some of the dynamics involving Latino voters in California.)

AIRLIFT’s first contribution of $1,500 allowed CNC to put on two additional shifts that talked to 700 voters. Real money going to real people talking to voters one-on-one to make a difference.