Joe Arpaio Running for Senate: Where’s my Punching Bag?


People United for Justice (in Airlift's West By Southwest Fund) was part of the campaign that ran Sheriff Joe Arpaio out of town. Now he’s back—what an inviting target! With Jeff Flake retiring, Kyrsten Sinema leaving Congress to run against Joe Arpaio for Flake’s Senate seat, and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton running for Sinema's Congressional seat, Arizona politics are full of opportunity. It’s a game of musical chairs even before you start to think about what John McCain’s potential resignation will do.

PUJ is preparing to launch bottom up campaigns for movement-aligned candidates running for local office. These candidates will galvanize excitement and energy in Phoenix's progressive communities. According to Airlift’s senior advisor Matt Singer, “That is going to shift long-term power in Arizona!”